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At Vessels of Honor Ministries, prayer is central to all that we do. Whether we are at Sunday service, bible study, or a church family activity, prayer culture is fostered as we seek the heart of God, coupled with His Word and establish it as the foundation of our ministry, vision, and passion. In this House of Worship, prayer is not only something that we do, but it is who we are! 


Throughout the week we host several opportunities for family and guests to join in either corporate or joint times of prayer as we petition and honor the Lord together.  Read below to learn more about our prayer offerings and how you can join in.

Have a prayer request or need?  Would you like to share a praise report? Each Sunday morning we invite you to connect with our LIVE Virtual Prayer Ambassadors who partner with you in prayer for God's peace and perfect will for your life.


To connect with a Prayer Ambassador, simply click the button below that says "PRAYER ROOM" and you will be connected via Zoom.  If you would prefer to call in and speak with an Ambassador, you may do so by calling (818) 835-5345.

Join in our Morning Manna Community Corporate Prayer time Thursday mornings at 6:00 am.  During this time we invite our VOH family, friends, partners and guests to dial into the prayer line as we seek God for our communities, families, healing, leadership, salvations and the needs of those who have submitted individual requests.


During this time of prayer we ask all participants to place their phones on mute so that we are able to have a more focused time of prayer.  At the conclusion of prayer,  we then open the lines for all to come together and celebrate God's goodness with one another!


Click below to submit a prayer request or your praise report.


Calling all men! Do you have a friend, father, son, brother, relative, coworker, or loved one that could use a prayer space held just for men? We invite the men in your life to join our weekly prayer call for connection, prayer refreshing, and a community of supportive brothers who sincerely care about your needs! 


To join in the prayer call via teleconference, click below on your device at the respective prayer time zone,  or dial-in at:



(727) 731-7830

VOH_AnnoucementSlides - Weekly -wmns prayer.jpg


Vessels of Honor Ministries and Here for the W.I.N. Global are partnered to pray for women everywhere! Each Tuesday evening we gather with women of like hearts and minds in need of a safe-space of connection, prayer refreshing, and a community of loving women who are in sincere support of one another.


To join in the prayer call via teleconference, click below on your device at the respective prayer time zone,  or dial-in at:

(727) 731-7007


We fast when God says fast! Each year God directs our times of prayer and fasting and based on the to Mark 2 parable, it is during these times of consecration that we invite Christ in the places within our lives/souls where He is absent. As we pray and fast corporately we have the earnest expectation that God hears AND answers our prayers!  Read below for fasting guidelines and Q&A.


Time: 6:00a - 12 Midnight


Fasting Dietary Expectations:

1) 6:00a - 12 noon - water only


2) 12p-midnight: - fish protein - vegetables - fruits - water only ( teas ok, no caffeine)


(No... entertainment (eg. TV, movies, sec. music), juices, milk/dairy, sugar, meats, grains, pasta, breads, flatbreads/tortillas, sweets, coffee/caffeine)


Weekly corporate fasting, Q and A:


Q: can I have beans or nuts?

A: yes.


Q: can I have rice or pasta?

A: no, we may have fruits, vegetables and fish protein for this fast.


Q: can I have fresh pressed juice as opposed to juice made from concentrate?

A: no, water is the only beverage for this fast. (caffeine free teas, okay)


Q: can I have bread, tortillas, flatbreads, or cornbread Even if I make it myself?

A: No, there will be no breads of any kind for this fast.


Q: can we have gum during the fast?

A: yes, Sugar-free gum if you choose to do so.

Ezra 8:23 "So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer."


The Prayer Lab Enrichment Series offers participants an opportunity to recharge, re-energize, and get a second wind to take on the year ahead! This is a 6-week spiritual enrichment course that will strengthen your intimacy with God and increase your confidence in faith.


Please note, there will be a fasting component to this time of study. If their are ongoing health concerns, we ask all participants to consult a medical professional prior to enrolling.


This course is a digitally-hybrid class with limited in-person availability.


Enrollment for this course is closed.

Next Open Enrollment:
Spring 2025


The Prayer Clinic is a 4-week immersive course for those seeking to build confidence in prayer, discover their voice in prayer, strengthen their skills in prayer, or to increase effectiveness in prayer.


Each 4-week course offers participants an opportunity to identify, strengthen and implement tools and strategies to support their understanding and growth in the area of prayer.  


Please note, there will be a fasting component to this time of study. If their are ongoing health concerns, we ask all participants to consult a medical professional prior to enrolling.


*Currently, this course is only offered virtually.


Enrollment for this course is closed.

Next Open Enrollment:
Summer 2025

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